Tuesday, 13 August 2019

How to Convert Dust on Binance?

There are many things in Binance about which users are generally unaware. One of those things is Called Dust. Not The dust of Fine particles made from solid matter, but Dust in CryptoCurrencies. The dust refers to really Small amount of Token or Coin in the cryptos. Sometimes we have such a small amount in our crypto, we forget about it. For example, Binance is Made from 100 Million satoshis. So if we flip it, then one satoshi is equal to 0.00000001 bitcoin.

If you have, let us say 100 satoshis in your account, then we can call them Dust. Since every transaction required some fee, But the amounts are even less than Transactional price. So, Binance allows them to convert into Binance Coin(BNB). Read this blog further to understand the process.

How to Do it?

First Go to Binance Official site. Then Do a Binance login. Now Go to Funds in the menu. There you will find the option of balances. Click on it. The Balance page will get open. You will see an option of Convert to BNB, click on the label

Now, whatever balance you have, which is eligible to Convert to Dus will get shown here. Now the Minimum which you can convert has to value less than 0.001BTC. It does not matter if you have multiple coins at the same time, You can Convert all of them at once. Choose the coins you want to convert; then it will show you how much it's worth In Binance coin(BNB).

Before you do it, you should know the Convert Binance coin( BNB) amount will be based on the current market price. So, when you click on ‘Convert to BNB,’ The current price will get applied.  Once you are sure about it, click on it, then a window of Confirming will appear. Click on it.

Upon clicking on it, it will redirect you to a page, when the conversion is done. You can do it every 24 Hours and another thing to know, you can not convert delisted coins.
Source Url:- Binance Official site

Monday, 12 August 2019

What is Withdrawal address white list and How to Enable it in Binance?

When you are using Binance for crypto trading, there are always of risk of losing your Cryptos, if your accounts get hacked. You can enable two-factor authentication, but there are endless ways of doing it. So, the more layers of security, you can add in your Binance account, the better it will be protected from the hackers. So, one way of adding extra laying security is white list. We are going to explain how you can enable it. So even if someone does an illegal Binance account of your account, your Cryptos and personal information will be saved.

What exactly is it?

In simple words, it is a security feature. Once enabled, you can send money only to those addresses, which you have white listed means trust must address to send the amount. When it is turned off, you can send cryptos to any account. Means withdrawal to unlisted accounts. So, if your Binance login Details ever get hacker, they can’t withdraw the money, thus saving your account.

How to Enable it?

Now we know what it is. Let’s see how to activate it. First Go to Your Binance login page. There login.  After It, go to your profile icon. Head to security. On this page, there are various options. Click on Address management.

Here you will see the option to enable the white list. Could you turn it on? When you are turning it on, you receive a pop-up message. Could you read it, then finally turn on?
The next step is to prove the two-factor authentication, whether it is SMS verification or Google authenticator.

After entering it, Now you can add the address. To choose an address, click on add new withdrawal address. Here, you need to add the address generated from an app. For example, if you want to include the address of BNB from trust wallet, then create it there. Copy it on the  List. Could you give it a label( A Name)? Then click on submit. Now it is enabled.
Now, Even if someone manages to get through your Binance login details, they cant get the money.

So if you have any doubts or issues regarding Binance Login You can visit Binance Official website or you can directly contact to customer service team through dialling toll-free number with out any extra charges. Customer service team is available 24/7 any time whenever you need to contact any time.
Source Url:- Binance Official site

Thursday, 8 August 2019

What if Your deposit is not Credited In binance?

Whenever you want to deposit Cryptocurrencies in Binance, There is a specific process to do it.  You do a Binance login, then Go to Funds from the menu. There you can see the option for the deposit, Choose the coin. Then copy the address and memo( If required), paste in the wallet. From there, you have not deposited the Coins. However, sometimes your Deposit amount does not get credited in the Account. You have waited for long enough, but still, it has not deposited. There are a few things you can do, which are going to tell you below.

What to Do?

There are few things to know first when you have completed the process, and it does not mean it will get credited instantly. Since Binance is based on Blockchain, then the transaction is posted on Blockchain. It will take some time to get through it. So there is no use of going to Binance login, then checking it.

Various Blockchain has its method of Confirming the transaction. For this process, it better to wait. Once the transaction is verified then you will get the deposit coins.

If on your transaction, it is still written unconfirmed, then no one can do anything, So do not waste your time by every now do a Binance login and then checking it. Once it is included in the process of blockchain, the procedure of Confirming will begin.
In bitcoin and the project based on bitcoin transaction should arrive in your account after two Confirmations. While for Ethereum and other projects, it takes around thirty confirmations for the final transaction.

If you are still not sure what to do, then it's best to take a screenshot of your transactions.  Go on the Binance login page. Login then goes to the transaction page. There take the screenshot. Two screenshots will be required. One is for explored with Confirmed Transaction — another of your Account balances.

If you do not send the screenshot, they will not take it as a priority. So, it's better to attach them while reporting the issue.

Source Url:- Binance Official site

What is the anti-phishing Code and how to enable it in Binance?

Do you know how a hacker gets access to your account? When you receive a message from binance Claiming you have won prizes? , or your account is not updated, and you need to do it. Otherwise, you can surely lose access to the account. When you click on the link, you are redirected to the website, where they want to do a Binance login procedure. Upon doing it, you will receive your unclaimed prize.

However, as soon as you enter the login credentials, nothing happens. Suddenly you may lose your  Binance account. Your Binance Login details are now compromised. This is called phishing. When you are receiving a similar email like this, ignore them.

However, many times, it is hard to separate real from fakes. So to do it, you can enable Anti-phishing code in Binance to secure your Account. Upon activating it, you can identify real messages send from Binance Official site. So, let's see how to do it.

How to set up the Anti Phishing code ?

Now you know why to enable it.  To begin the procedure, we will first go to Binance exchange login page, do the login process. Go to the security page. There you will find the option named as Anti Phishing code. Click on it. When you click on it, a pop-up will emerge.   In the alternative,  choose to create the code. Upon picking it, another pop-up will open. Here, you need to select your desired code.

After entering it, you need to verify it via Google authenticator or Sms Authentication. Once you have done it, now you have enabled anti-phishing code. Do not enter a code, which could be guessed easily if the hacker has some information about you. If it is guessed easily, and then they will lure you into giving your Binance login info.

Update the code regularly to evade any phishing activity. To update it, follow the same steps. There you will see the option to change code, Enter a new Name. Then do the two-factor authentication.

Once you enter the new code, every time you receive a message from Genuine binance website. It will contain the code.

Source Url:- Binance Official Site

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Binance Beginners Guide

Binance has become a pioneer in the world of cryptocurrencies trading.  In a short time, It created a base of Valuebal users and added the most significant trading volume on a Crypto trading site. However, there are many things which users do not know. Since Binance site is based on Blockchain technology, there are various things in binance which Could be helpful for a user if he would know about them.

For Example How to Secure your Binance exchange login details, How to enable two-factor authentication? What is Withdrawal address whitelist? These are just the tip of the iceberg in the world of Binance. The more a user know about it, the better a user can operate the account in a better way. So, through this post, we wanted to explain some of these essential things related to it.

We are going to assume you have already created an account. You are already logged in via Binance login page.  We are going to start with two Factor Authentication.

What is 2FA?

We will explain in a very Simple Terms, what is two-factor authentication. Let's understand it via a lock. When you are locking your House, you use one bolt,  it is one layer of protection. However, as soon as you installed an alarm, which Goes off as soon as someone makes a forced entry into your house. So, the police instantly know about it, thus saving the house.

The two-factor authentication works on the same idea, but its Digital.  When you create an account, then make a binance login. There are chances hackers might steal your password. Once they have a password, they will take all your Cryptos.

So, To save you from this situation, 2FA is required. There are almost endless methods, how a hacker can steal your data. However, two Factor is designed in such a way; it prevents theft.

There are three layers of a factor in this context. The first one is the Knowledge of users, which includes passwords. The second layer is how users use the site, either on the phone or on the computer. Then There are Biometric Traits which have Fingerprint.

Now, If you want to protect your account, you have to use at least two locks, just like in a home. Every time you are on a Binance login page, you need to provide two different keys for the bolts to grant access to your account.

Now we will see what different two-factor authentication to allow During your Binance Login.


When you are creating your account, you need to provide your phone number as well. It can be used for 2FA. Every time you need to do a binance login, It will send you a message. The message has a verification code which needs to put for the login. It gets expire after some time as well.

Now, Everything has a pro and con. The strong point of SMS is the easy way of using it. You receive a message and then it out it. No further things are required to do. There is no need to use additional applications.

However, there are cons of it too. They can get easily spoofed or cloned easily by hackers. So, when you are sleeping, you would receive a message which is also received by the hackers. So, now, your account is gone.  The other things are it needs a continuous cellular connection, which if happened to break during a critical time. You can face these issues. We are just making you aware of it.  

The second method is to use google authenticator method. For installing it, you need to download it from the Google Play store and iOS store. The process is quite simple — every time you need to do a Binance login. Google authentication sends you a verification code to verify. For login, you enter the password; then you get access to your account.

The strong point about it is secure encryption. The hackers can not easily access it.we are saying quickly because There are stories on the internet about it getting hacked. However, as compared to SMS, it is secured.  

Google authenticator Provides you a secret key of 16 Digits as well. No matter what happens, First write it down and hide it somewhere safe.  If you ever lose your device, the only way to recover your account is to use the secret key. Binance does not have any access to your account, So if you lose it, Only you can recover it.

What method you want to use is entirely up to you. So Compare then both, then decide it.

How to setup SMS Authentication and Google Authentication

We have explained what SMS is and google authentication. What are the pros and cons of Using it,  But you also need to know how to enable them for securing your Binance login? After having binance login, Go to security. There you will find the option for SMS authentication.
Click on enable to begin the process.

First, you have to select your country, then enter the mobile number. Click on Send SMS. After some time, you will receive a verification code. Once you enter it, Now you can enable SMS authentication. Every time you are doing Binnance login, you will receive the message to enter the code.

Let’s See how to Enable Google authenticator.  Head to security; there, you will see Google authentication.  Select enable. Download the app from the app store according to your Smartphone operating system.

Once you have downloaded it, Open it. Head to the option of Scan a Barcode.  Scan the barcode from your phone. You have completed two steps of it. On the third step, you will receive the Secret key. Write it down, put it somewhere safe. We told you before if you ever lose your smartphone, this key is the only way to recover your account.
On the Fourth step, you are going to need to enter the account password and the six-digit code. After entering it, now your account is Two factors secured.

In the next Blog, We will talk about other things in Binance.

Source url:- Binance Official site

Monday, 5 August 2019

What is Market order in Binance?

When you start to trade in Binance exchange, There are many things; you need to know, to do better CryptoCurrency Trading. There is Buying and selling, But It requires many strategies to Gain your profit. Sometimes when there is a fluctuation in the price, you either make a profit or a loss. So, To increase your knowledge in We are going to Tell You About Market order.  After reading this post, you will have enough information about it.

What is Marker order

Every time, You go to Binance login page, log in. Ready to do the Trading. Whenever you are buying or selling the crypto, Sometimes you want to do them on the available current price. You do not want to wait for it. However, to Do it instantly, You need to pay a fee as a maker order. Thus the whole process is known as a marker order.

How to use the market order? 

So, we will explain how you can create a marker order. Let's assume you want to create an order to three Binance coins. Now, let's start. Go to Binance Login page, Login. GO to the trading page. Now, here, you can see the buying & selling Tab. There in the option, you can use the market option.

Now, Whether you want to buy or sell, the amount, Then click on the buy. Since these orders are executed immediately, Your Order will get to match with the lowest selling price available to buy.

However, let's say you wanted to but thousands of Binance coins. Now, this order can not be fulfilled by limited Sell order. Now What Binace will do is to start matching the prices again. Since the price won't be the same, First you get the cheapest one, Than the less cheap. This cycle goes on until your order is completed.
The term is called slippage, and the reason behind you pay higher prices is because you now become a market taker.

So, this is the blog about market order. There is little advice from us well. Make sure when you are on binance login page, the site is the original one, Not an imposter one.

Source Urls. Binance Login